Guided Panchakarma

Profound Purification & Rejuvenation

28 days, guided
12 Jan. – 9 Feb. 2025
South India
Panchakarma is the Ayurvedic system of holistic cellular detox and rejuvenation therapies serving the effortful quest for life-long youthfulness, health, a clean conscience and the liberating powers earned through conscious embodiment. It is a time-tested gift to humanity from the philosopher physicians of India.
The SATYA 28-day Guided Panchakarma takes place at a small village clinic on the beach in Kerala, India.

What is included:

Open to all, by application
Small group—very limited spaces

With decades of experience in this specialised field, I ensure each individual receives the classical Panchakarma I would arrange for myself, which is fluidly adapted to my constitution and condition, full service, inside out, bottom to top.”


Personalised attention, specialised care

Panchakarma is a fivefold system of actions. These five (pancha) actions (karma) are bio-purificatory treatment protocols. Unique to Ayurveda, Panchakarma works to systematically dislodge deep-seated, disease-causing toxins and permanently remove them from the body via the closest pathways and organs of elimination.

While undergoing Panchakarma, the patient is instructed to follow nutritional, treatment and yogic protocols in order to maintain balance of nervous system, metabolic system and nutritive system. Effective rejuvenation and protection follow effective detoxification.

The integrated process involves three main stages:

  1. dislodging toxins, pathogens, parasites
  2. removing those toxins, pathogens, parasites
  3. replenishment, protection and system-rebuild

All stages are personalised and supervised by Ayurvedic physicians.

All therapies at each stage involve individually prescribed herbal formulations from the immense and astounding pharmacopeia of India.

Each formula is strictly prepared according to centuries-old texts, codified and preserved in family lineages of philosopher-physicians.

To be taken care of like a royal child for one month seems to elicit the power that lives within every infant. The power that creates a growth spurt that will never be quite the same as we grow older. To not have to think about work or cooking or where to be next for one month creates a certain kind of slowing down that allows creation itself to catch up.
Within a few days of being in my own room, deepening my intimacy with my body brought me back home. Before I came there I was suffering from stress, anxiety, depression. I was wondering about the direction in my life and if I had anything to offer this world. Almost overnight I became jubilant, floating, full of gratitude and inspiration. Spirit returned. My soul was clarified. Every cell of my body was vibrating with life as if I was a baby again. All of this said, I do want to caution that even though I had a mainly pleasurable awakening and homecoming, the month is a rebirth and for everybody to be born again it’s not all pleasant. Sometimes it feels very tight and stuffy with no place to move. Other times one is thrown into the miracle of life where a breath feels like drinking the elixir of life. And as it’s a very strong focus on your own experience, the lack of social contact can bring an intense loneliness up as well. So it’s not a walk in the park. It’s a commitment to your life and who you really are. If you have the opportunity to take time off and give yourself this month you are giving yourself one of the biggest gifts you can ever give. Time to be well yourself. Time to love but has yet to be loved. Time to see through self deception. Time to pray and devote your life to what gave you life.”
READ MORE >> Buster — Certified Sensorimotor Psychotherapist, founder of Path of Relating and Embodied IntimacyPsychotherapist, Sweden

Profound health benefits

Panchakarma works to reverse toxic obstruction at the root of compounded disorders including, but not limited to:

Time to regain and maintain adaptive dynamic equilibrium. Time for sound, safe response to harm from pollution, poisoning and repetitive assaults to our senses and intelligence.

Why India

From far and wide, for thousands of years, pathfinders seeking life-enhancing technologies crossed oceans and mountains to reach Bharat, now known as India. These names literally testify to the spiritual wealth of motherland and traditions yoked to the quest of self-knowledge, self-healing and self-mastery.

From India we inherit extant cosmology, philosophy, sciences and arts founded on natural laws, including Tantra, Yoga, Ayurveda, Vedic Astrology.

Panchakarma is the evidence-based specialty therapy of Ayurveda, the science of life and longevity. For the SATYA 28-day Guided Panchakarma, we naturally turn to India.

I did not know that something like Panchakarma exists 4 months ago. Panchakarma arrived on my path, and I said yes! Without knowing anything about it. I just felt that I am getting an answer to a long-held plea. ‘Please help.’  
This yes has carried me through the waves of the 4 weeks. There were tears, fears, hunger, anger, frustration, epiphanies, gratitude, learning, surrendering, praying, bowing. I am eternally grateful to Umā for leading the way so brightly, intelligently, sometimes sternly, and always lovingly. I felt safe and held throughout the whole process. The entire system of Panchakarma works together seamlessly. The food, medicines, treatments, satsangs, nature, quiet time all hold hands to unite into the full experience. I feel complete and holy—like my body is a temple. The knowledge I have gained is life-altering.”  
READ MORE >> Christelle, South Africa

Frequently asked questions

Be well informed about Panchakarma before you begin, doing your own research and reading about the Panchakarma process and Ayurveda in general.

You are recommended to begin reading the book Prakriti: Your Ayurvedic Constitution, by Dr. Robert Svoboda, and to bring it with you to Panchakarma.

For a deeper understanding of the Panchakarma process before you undertake it, we also recommend the SATYA module Utmost Care: Ayurvedic training for self healing.

Well in advance of the Guided Panchakarma, you’ll be provided with a list of recommended items to pack, including the type of clothing that is culturally appropriate.

Among other things, you’ll want to have clothing that is easy to move in; a warm layer for mornings and evenings; a yoga mat or ground cloth that might get dirty; sun protection; insect protection; toiletries; notebook and pen; etc.

We recommend you plan to arrive in India at least one day early to purchase clothing that is appropriate for the clinic and any temple visits we may undertake (details provided after enrolment).


No. Coffee, black and green tea, cacao or other stimulant beverages are not a planned part of our daily menu, and are specifically contraindicated in the Panchakarma method.

You are recommended to wean yourself off caffeine or other stimulants before arriving so you don’t have headaches or other withdrawal symptoms once Panchakarma begins.


For the ‘early bird’ discount, the final date to enrol in Guided Panchakarma is 12 Oct. 2024. The final deadline to register is 28 Dec. 2024. However, spaces for Panchakarma are very limited and tend to fill up quickly, so you’re advised to apply/enrol as soon as possible.


No. Guided Panchakarma is not one of the 6 SATYA core curriculum modules within the 1-year SATYA Immersion.


Panchakarma grinds you down. Down to the point where your usual escape strategies don’t work. To the point where you consider getting the hell out of there. And then the point where you give up. A very good point.
Because from there something genuinely new can emerge. Stirring and stirring until the healing that you yourself are comes to the fore and you click back into center. I will carry this forgotten and remembered knowledge in my heart. May all beings know health.”
READ MORE >> Jacob, Germany

Guided Panchakarma with Umā is open to all, by application.

The clinic can accommodate only a small group, so very limited spaces are available.

If interested, you are recommended to inquire as soon as possible for more details.

© Umā Inder / SATYA. All rights reserved.