In-Depth Consultations & Private Programs with Umā

Knowledge is the power to choose;

Self-knowledge is the freedom to be you.

Umā offers individual Ayurveda consultations and longer private programs.

Lifelong value

The greatest gift to self is knowledge of key universal laws of nature and how to consciously align with them as a way of life.
Consultations with Umā provide insight and guidance into living true to your nature to promote lifelong balance, vitality and resilience.
Customise each consultation :
“It has been a great honour and privilege to receive Umā’s counsel through monthly meetings via Zoom and communication through writing.
This journey for me has been like one huge embrace in the potent field of truth and love.
I don’t think it would have mattered to me what particular topics we have been going through, as just being held in Umā’s field is an extraordinary gift in itself. A safe and loving space that continuously have given me exactly what I needed, exactly when I have needed it.
And within this safe field there has been an opportunity to really be seen, mirrored and thoroughly supported in my processes. My insight and clarity have accelerated through this assistance. I have been able to go through some major life-changing experiences within a safe container.
I can greatly recommend this program (or any other program with Umā) for anyone who is ready to grow!”
READ MORE >> Marthe Magerøy, Norway, Psy.M., Yoga Teacher & Craniosacral Therapist
What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda, the science of life and longevity, is the traditional system of Indian medicine, classified 3,000 to 5,000 years ago. Ayurveda, the “Mother of Medicine”, is a personalised system of natural, integrative medicine and lifestyle design for disease prevention, therapy and wholeness of being.


In-depth Ayurveda Consultation

Power your life with self-knowledge
Online, 1-hour video call
This consultation with Umā provides
  • Insight into your own elemental nature and gifts
  • Insight into your inborn purpose for being alive (dharma)
  • Insight into the root cause of imbalances and energy leaks
  • Holistic tools for prevention and treatment of stress, anxiety, depression, depletion, chronic fatigue, rapid ageing, weight gain, poor digestion, insomnia, body pain, immune deficiency, sexual debility and other health conditions born in the fast lane.
Customise each consultation as you wish for lifestyle support where you most need it.
Each consultation includes
  • Personal history and medical intake
  • Tongue reading
  • Assessment of original constitution and current condition
  • Discussion of personalised plan
You will meet Umā online, via Zoom video call. The link to the call will be provided before the time of your session.

Going with Nature (monthly)

One-on-one counsel for your true, original, natural self
Online, monthly, private program
This program provides precise tools for awareness and deeper understanding of what it means—for you—to go with Nature.
Every month you receive
  • Two private, live video calls with Umā
  • A private Telegram thread for reflections and integration, guiding a path toward wholistic health of mental, physical, spiritual balance
What happens in the video calls?
Bring little and big questions about your life. Discover truths about your nature you didn’t know or may have forgotten. Explore ways to recharge your love for life and the strength to persevere when facing challenges. Deepen the understanding that our greatest wealth is health and peace of mind.
These sessions can address questions of a limitless range, such as:
  • Who am I? What is my life’s purpose?
  • How can I awaken to my full potential?
  • What food, exercise and yoga practices are right for me?
  • What will help me sleep better?
  • How do I integrate spiritual experiences into my regular life?
  • and much more
These questions have been answered by Ayurveda for thousands of years.
Ideally you will begin each month of the program with the first call and schedule the second call for about two weeks later. Plan for each call to last 60 to 90 minutes. All calls are confidential and recorded only upon request.
How long is the Going with Nature program?
You can participate for one month, a few months or as long as you like. We recommend 3 months as your minimum commitment, to support digestion and integration of what you learn and put into practice.
When you’re ready to end your participation, you can easily cancel your monthly automatic payment using a link that you’ll be provided upon enrolment.

Kundalini Counsel (monthly)

Personalised guidance for Kundalini awakening, spiritual emergence
Online, monthly, private program
This exclusive program provides precise, contextualized, personalised tools for awareness and deeper understanding of your unique Kundalini activation and awakening process.
Every month you receive
  • Two private, live video calls with Umā
  • A private Telegram chat for reflections and integration guiding a healthy, sustainable process.
What happens in the video calls?
In each call with Umā you will evaluate experiences related to Kundalini activation and awakening, your personal history, and current or recurring conditions.
During each call you will be prompted to ask any burning questions and share experiences, insights and concerns that have arisen for you. Inquiries, aspirations, fears, doubts are welcome.
Ideally you will begin each month of the program with the first call and schedule the second call for about two weeks later. Plan for each call to last 60 to 90 minutes. All calls are confidential and recorded only upon request.
How long is the Kundalini Counsel program?
You can participate for one month, a few months or as long as you like. We recommend 3 months as your minimum commitment, to support digestion and integration of what you learn and put into practice.
When you’re ready to end your participation, you can easily cancel your monthly automatic payment using a link that you’ll be provided upon enrolment.

Pūrna, Fullness

A complete personalised remedy
Ayurveda, Vedic astrology, Shaivite ritual
Online, 1 month
Shine the light of ageless wisdom on the truth of who you are, with the support of Ayurveda and Vedic Astrology practitioners. Benefit from a Shaivite ritual performed daily in your name by an Indian Pujari.
During a 4-week period, you receive:
  • An initial, in-depth counselling session with Umā
  • Your name activated daily in a ritual of abundance and protection by a specially selected Shaivite pujari
  • A horoscope reading with Lisa Bailey, Vedic astrologer and a collaborator with Umā over many years
  • A closing counselling session with Umā
  • Materials to introduce you to Ayurveda and Jyotisha, and to Support from Umā and Lisa integrating what you learn from Umā and Lisa
  • A private Telegram chat with Umā and Lisa for reflections and integration between calls
Why this program: Pūrna, Fullness
  • Re-attune to the intelligence of universal rhythms, for wellness, abundance, protection
  • Activate both internal and external generation of full support
  • Receive lifestyle guidelines for the journey of healing, wholeness and fruitful outcomes
Yatha pinde tatha brahmande
Yatha brahmande tatha pinde — Yajurveda
That is:
As is the human body, so is the cosmic body.
As is the cosmic body, so is the human body.
“The individual is the epitome of the universe,” said Charaka, revered sage of the ancient science of living life fully, Ayurveda.
Pūrna is designed by long-term practitioners Umā and Lisa, themselves beneficiaries of life-saving guidance and divine grace from Ayurveda, Jyotisha (Vedic astrology) and tending to the fire of traditional Tantric puja or ceremony
About your consultations with Umā:
These sessions can address questions of a limitless range, including but not limited to: Who am I? What is my life’s purpose? What will make me truly happy? How can I awaken to my full potential? How can I get more energy? What will help me to sleep better? How can I feel more calm? How can I stay youthful? What is Kundalini? How do I integrate my spiritual experiences into my regular life? How do I maintain connection with higher consciousness?
Plan for at least 60 minutes for each session.
About your Vedic astrology reading with Lisa:
Your birth chart is the map of karmas laid out for your life. When we understand our karmas, we can align with them, utilise our free will to influence them and create an intentional path forward. In your horoscope reading,
Lisa will provide you an interpretation of your map of karmas and guide you in simple steps to align with cosmic forces so you can navigate the landscape of your life with clearer awareness, greater ease and enhanced ability to identify the gift given in all that life brings.
You will be asked to provide your birth date, time and location to Lisa several days in advance of your session. Plan for at least 60 minutes for this session.
Questions? Undecided?
If you’re not sure which of the choices above is most suitable for you or have other questions, you are welcome to send us a note, and we’ll make a suggestion. Please give a brief explanation of your needs and what kind of guidance you seek.
Questions? Undecided?
If you’re not sure which of the choices above is most suitable for you or have other questions, you are welcome to send us a note, and we’ll make a suggestion. Please give a brief explanation of your needs and what kind of guidance you seek.
“It is difficult to describe someone like Umā…No words would be enough to capture the deep embodied wisdom, subtlety, kindness and potency offered by this rare and precious healer.
I had been curious about Ayurveda and had tried working with a few different practitioners. But it wasn’t until I met Umā that a dramatic shift occurred in my healing process for all layers of my being. Physical, emotional, spiritual.
In my experience, this usually happens when the energy and guidance being given is coming from a deeply embodied, loving place and intention.
Umā is one of the most present listeners I’ve ever encountered, holding space with gentle curiosity and helping connect dots, providing insightful, intuitive guidance, shifting from week to week as necessary. Her understanding of this ancient lineage, the elemental nature of existence, our body and connection within and without allow her to guide in a way that is absolutely exceptional. I am truly grateful that the universe brought Umā in my life at the most perfect time, when I was ready to receive her teachings and perceive the beauty and rarity of the wisdom being in front of me.
I had several imbalances that were manifesting physically when I initially met Umā. The implementation of her guidance has allowed my body to become healthy, radiant, deeply alive, soft, available and connected. I have recommended her to my dearest friends and will recommend her to anyone who wants to heal and thrive.”
Thank you Umā. I’m grateful beyond words.”

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