SATYA Trainings

To provide significant immersion into Indian Tantra, Ayurveda and Yoga, SATYA is designed as a full-year series of trainings offered online and in-person.
If you don’t wish to complete the full year of SATYA Immersion, you have an alternative option to enrol in one or more individual modules along the way.
You choose what works for you.
Option 1
1-year SATYA Immersion
The 1-year SATYA Immersion includes all 6 modules of the SATYA core curriculum—at a significantly reduced price.
Complete the full year to be eligible for advanced SATYA trainings from 2025 onward.
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Option 2
Individual SATYA modules
If you don’t wish to enrol in the full 1-year SATYA Immersion, you can still participate in single modules along the way.
Plan ahead!
Click on each module below to learn more and enrol...
SATYA Trainings
1-year SATYA Immersion
- May 2024 - May 2025
- Online & in person
A full 12 months of experiential education in SATYA: the Synergistic Alignment of Tantra, Yoga & Ayurveda—all 6 of the SATYA core curriculum at a substantially reduced cost. Earn a certificate of completion and eligibility for advanced SATYA trainings...
SATYA Sadhana*
- Monthly (3-month minimum)
- Online
Be in practice together, wherever you are, every month. SATYA Sadhana is a support system for continuity and commitment to spiritual practice and self inquiry, within the framework of Indian Tantra, Yoga and Ayurveda…
Eclipse Portal: Going inward for exponential gains
- 9 March 2025 - 31 March 2025
- Online
In the 2-week cycle from lunar eclipse to solar eclipse, we inquire why ancient Indian wisdom guides us to go inward—not outside—during eclipses. Utilise the eclipses to promote physical, emotional, spiritual regeneration…
Integral Cleanse*: At home, guided
- 30 March - 12 April 2025
- Online
A guided 14-day Ayurvedic detox and rejuvenation. Develop a personal, experiential understanding of Ayurveda through a cellular cleanse, followed by essential reset—physical, mental, emotional...
Fundamental Ayurveda*: Principles & practices for self-knowledge, self-healing, self-care
- 27 April – 15 June 2025
- Online
A signature SATYA module not to be missed. You will be trained online in real self-care protocols and key fundamentals of Ayurveda, including the foundations of Ayurvedic constitutional analysis, root cause identification and immediate, and lifelong tools for mental, physical, spiritual balance…
SATYA with Umā: Norway*
- 30 Aug. - 6 Sep. 2025
- Sosætra Retreat Center, Norway
A structure for full-bodied resonance with universal truth. Join this experiential immersion in SATYA for 8 days of going with nature, based in the classical traditions of Kundalini Tantra, Yoga and Ayurveda…
30-day Guided Panchakarma
- 29 Jan. – 27 Feb. 2026
- Kerala, India
30 days at a small village Ayurvedic clinic on the beach in Kerala, India. Panchakarma is the Ayurvedic system of holistic cellular detox and rejuvenation therapies serving the effortful quest for life-long youthfulness, health…
SATYA Yatra*: From poison to nectar
- 2026 dates - coming soon
- Karnataka, India
The SATYA system of self realisation and spiritual emergence is empowered in its native terrain. On Yatra, the Indian word for pilgrimage, we journey this terrain. Along the path, Umā’s way of sharing her lived experience of satya (realness), synergistic elements of Tantra, Yoga and Ayurveda come alive...
* These modules are SATYA core curriculum and are included in the 1-year SATYA Immersion.
Note: only one Integral Cleanse is required to earn the 1-year SATYA Immersion certificate of completion, although completing Integral Cleanse in both spring and autumn is recommended.